What to Expect When Your Loved One Is Hospitalized: A Guide for Family Members

When a loved one is hospitalized, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and have a host of questions about their care, your role in decision-making, and how best to support their recovery. Understanding your rights and options, particularly when it comes to post-hospital rehabilitation, can help you make informed choices that align with your loved one’s… Continue reading What to Expect When Your Loved One Is Hospitalized: A Guide for Family Members

What is Assisted Living Plus?

Traditionally, CCRC (full continuum of care) retirement communities consist of four basic levels of care:  Independent Living  Assisted Living (Included in the area of Assisted Living, special Memory Care provisions are available.) Rehabilitation for short-term recovery after illness or injury.  Long-term care or Nursing Home care But as in all things in life, we don’t… Continue reading What is Assisted Living Plus?

Killing the Stigma

Where and how did the Nursing Home stigma begin? The definition of stigma is “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.” For many years, that would describe the general public opinion of nursing homes or skilled nursing facilities as they are now often called. Over the decades of transformation of… Continue reading Killing the Stigma

Senior Living Myths: Myth Number 4

Now that we have explored the cost of retirement living in our last blog let’s dive into the subject of care. Age Wave, a research and consulting company, surveyed the thoughts and perceptions of the 65+ population concerning various forms of Senior Care. Five myths prevailed among this age group. Age Wave discovered a dramatic… Continue reading Senior Living Myths: Myth Number 4

Senior Living Myths: Myth Number 2

In our last blog, Five Myths about Senior Living, we discussed levels of care in Senior Living, including Independent Living, Assisted Living, Home Health, Memory Care, and Long Term Care or Nursing Home Care. At McCrite Plaza, each level of care is designed to meet the specific needs of individual residents in a progressive way.… Continue reading Senior Living Myths: Myth Number 2

Five Myths That Surround The Topic Of Senior Living

Getting an education about various forms of retirement living in the Kansas City and Topeka areas can be overwhelming. To understand it, you need to become familiar with the language used. Concepts such as Independent Senior Living, Assisted Living, and Long-term Care, may just be a blur. Often, the term ‘nursing home’ is a blanket… Continue reading Five Myths That Surround The Topic Of Senior Living

How Long Will You Live, and How Do You Want To Spend the Time?

Johnathan Swift, author of Gulliver’s Travels, said, “Everyone wants to live a long time, but no one wants to get old.” No truer words have been spoken. So how long do you think you will live? And what does your idea of growing old look like? Do you automatically think old age means dependence on… Continue reading How Long Will You Live, and How Do You Want To Spend the Time?