Not your Grandmother’s Nursing Home

The Evolution of Nursing Homes Over the Past 50 Years  Nursing homes today are vastly different from those of 50 years ago. In the past, nursing homes were often more institutional, resembling hospitals rather than homes. The rooms were usually shared, offering limited privacy, and the overall environment was stark and functional. The primary focus… Continue reading Not your Grandmother’s Nursing Home

Killing the Stigma

Where and how did the Nursing Home stigma begin? The definition of stigma is “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.” For many years, that would describe the general public opinion of nursing homes or skilled nursing facilities as they are now often called. Over the decades of transformation of… Continue reading Killing the Stigma

What Happens If You End Up In The Hospital After A Fall?

No one likes to think about it, but wintertime is filled with a higher number of falls. Some of those falls can result in a hospital stay for broken bones or a concussion. So, having a plan for rehabilitation is essential.  This is especially true if you live alone and have no caregivers to help… Continue reading What Happens If You End Up In The Hospital After A Fall?